Sunday, May 9, 2021

Talend Training Detail

Introduction to Data Warehousing

·         Data Warehouse Overview

·         Facts, Dimensions

·         DW models:- Star and Snowflake schemas.

·   Talend Introduction

·         Introduction to Talend

·         Talend Data Integration Overview

·         Talend installation

·         Starting Talend job design and development

·         Repository, Designer and Palette

·         Talend Design


Talend Jobs Designing

·         Types of Components

·         Basic Components - Overview

·         Component Properties

·         Database connectivity components

·         Triggers in Talend

·         Sample Job designing

·         Job Execution

·         Usage of tMap component and other important components from all sections like Processing, Orchestration, File, database etc.

·         Exercises for job development (hands on training)

·         How to Capture information about job execution

·         How to create a table to store monitoring information

·         Detailed Log Generation:

·         Number of records inserted/ updated/ rejected. In case of failure, details of the failed records.

·         Exercises for job development (hands on training)

·         Optimization for running the job


Talend Context and Variables

·         Context Variables - Overview

·         Creation and Usage of Context Variables and Context Groups

·         Dynamic Job designs using Context variables

·         Making database connectivity parameters as job contexts

·         Configuring the job to run it on remote machine

·         Bulk Insert/ Update

·         How to execute the jobs remotely

·         Command line utility and basic and advanced commands

·         How to clean enhance data and reference data

·         How to migrate jobs from DEV to TESTING to PROD environment

·         Case study and hands on development training on the required jobs


Metadata  in Talend.

·         Built-in Connections

·         Shared Connections

·         Source and Destination Connections

·         Database Connections

·         Usage of connections in Job


Logs & Error

·         Logs  and  execution statistics  in Talend

·         Error Handling in Talend

·         Logs & Error Handling Components

·         In case of notification failure Email generation

·         Optimization for running the job



·         Real time scenarios on all discussed components

·         Optimization for running the job

·         How to migrate jobs from DEV to TESTING to PROD environment

·         Case study and hands on development training on the required jobs

·         How to run jobs in Linux Environment

·         How to integrate talend jobs with java.

*And also provides resume preparation.

*After this training you can handle any Data Integration (ETL) or Migration projects independently.




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