Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to resolve Memory Error in Talend !

When dealing with large amounts of data, there is often a issue between performance and memory usage, so it is likely that at some point in your Talend career, you will encounter a problem which is memory related.

Increasing the memory allocated to a Job

If you have enough memory and yet your job is failing, then it is worth increasing the amount of memory available to the job you are running. You can do this by changing the value of the Java Xmx setting.

This setting is available via the Advanced Settings option from the Run tab, as shown in the below screenshot. Simply tick the box for Use specific JVM arguments, and change the value to suit your needs.

There are two types of memory allocation :--
-Xms :--When we will use this memory allocation this means that when we get started a job it is using this much memory .
-Xmx:--When we will use this memory allocation this means that the memory is the maximum memory, your job cannot use more than this memory space.

Double click on the argument -Xms256M , this screen will appear change the value and click OK button.Generally we are changing the values of Xmx maximum memory so that our job can use more memory space.

Note that you can also use G for gigabytes, for example, –Xmx3G.

If you are running the jobs in TAC(Talend Administration Control ) you need to assign the JVM parameter if you are going to process large amount of data.

You can also set "Store temp data" to true if you are using huge lookup data file to get the desired output. 

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